Numbers as of 2024-09-11

Events: 128

Organizations: 52

Effort: 563.5 hours

Estimated Ballons: 19723

Future Events

September: 9

October: 9

November: 1

December: 2

March 2025: 2

September 2025: 3


Welcome to the online home of The Balloon Guys.

Where we're going soon

(Note: if the event doesn't show a time or place, it's not open to the public; if the name is a link, you can find more information at the organizer's page.)
Friday, September 13Allen Park Farmer's Market for Allen Park DDA from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Allen Park Farmer's Market
Sunday, September 15Sunday Socials for Audial Entertainment from Noon to 4:00 PM at 1st and Elm
Friday, September 20Made In Michigan Festival for Allen Park DDA from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM at Downtown Allen Park
Friday, September 20Allen Park Farmer's Market for Allen Park DDA from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Allen Park Farmer's Market
Saturday, September 21Made In Michigan Festival for Allen Park DDA from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM at Downtown Allen Park
Sunday, September 22Glenlore Trails for Glenlore Trails from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM at Multilakes Conservation Association
Friday, September 27Allen Park Farmer's Market for Allen Park DDA from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Allen Park Farmer's Market
Sunday, September 29Sunday Socials for Audial Entertainment from Noon to 4:00 PM at 1st and Elm

Who we are

We're a couple of gys who enjoy twisting balloons for kids of all ages. We focus on what's called "line-work" -- kids line up and we twist balloon animals for them. We're not really decorators and we rarely use round balloons.

What we do

Market and Vendor events
We do a lot of craft and vendor shows. We don't sell anything, but we can help to keep kids occupied and to give your event more of a family vibe by having something specifically for kids. Since we don't take tips, parents are usually happy to see us.
Charity Events
We do a fair number of events for local charities, particularly those focused on children. These are typically things meant to help children.
School Events
We do both large events like carnivals and fairs and small events like classroom parties.
Grand Openings and Store Events
We love to help local businesses, so if you're having a special event we'd love to help out.
Community Events
If you're having a kid's event, we'd love to help out. We've done things like carnivals, kid's days and touch-a-truck in the past.
Birthday and Private Parties
Mick does these and they typically aren't free.

Where we've been lately

Sunday, September 8Parish Picnic for St. Frances Cabrini
Saturday, September 7Ruth St Block Party for
Saturday, September 7Back to School Giveaway & Car Show for Sunset Church of Christ from Noon to 2:00 PM at Sunset Church of Christ
Friday, September 6Allen Park Farmer's Market for Allen Park DDA from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Allen Park Farmer's Market
Sunday, September 1Sunday Socials for Audial Entertainment from Noon to 4:00 PM at 1st and Elm