Numbers as of 2024-09-11
Events: 128
Organizations: 52
Effort: 563.5 hours
Estimated Ballons: 19723
Future Events
September: 9
October: 9
November: 1
December: 2
March 2025: 2
September 2025: 3
Welcome to the online home of The Balloon Guys.
Where we're going soon
(Note: if the event doesn't show a time or place, it's not open to the public; if the name is a link, you can find more information at the organizer's page.)
Friday, September 13 | Allen Park Farmer's Market for Allen Park DDA from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Allen Park Farmer's Market |
Sunday, September 15 | Sunday Socials for Audial Entertainment from Noon to 4:00 PM at 1st and Elm |
Friday, September 20 | Made In Michigan Festival for Allen Park DDA from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM at Downtown Allen Park |
Friday, September 20 | Allen Park Farmer's Market for Allen Park DDA from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Allen Park Farmer's Market |
Saturday, September 21 | Made In Michigan Festival for Allen Park DDA from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM at Downtown Allen Park |
Sunday, September 22 | Glenlore Trails for Glenlore Trails from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM at Multilakes Conservation Association |
Friday, September 27 | Allen Park Farmer's Market for Allen Park DDA from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Allen Park Farmer's Market |
Sunday, September 29 | Sunday Socials for Audial Entertainment from Noon to 4:00 PM at 1st and Elm |
Who we are
We're a couple of gys who enjoy twisting balloons for kids of all ages. We focus on what's called "line-work" -- kids line up and we twist balloon animals for them. We're not really decorators and we rarely use round balloons.
What we do
- Market and Vendor events
- We do a lot of craft and vendor shows. We don't sell anything, but we can help to keep kids occupied and to give your event more of a family vibe by having something specifically for kids. Since we don't take tips, parents are usually happy to see us.
- Charity Events
- We do a fair number of events for local charities, particularly those focused on children. These are typically things meant to help children.
- School Events
- We do both large events like carnivals and fairs and small events like classroom parties.
- Grand Openings and Store Events
- We love to help local businesses, so if you're having a special event we'd love to help out.
- Community Events
- If you're having a kid's event, we'd love to help out. We've done things like carnivals, kid's days and touch-a-truck in the past.
- Birthday and Private Parties
- Mick does these and they typically aren't free.
Where we've been lately
Sunday, September 8 | Parish Picnic for St. Frances Cabrini |
Saturday, September 7 | Ruth St Block Party for |
Saturday, September 7 | Back to School Giveaway & Car Show for Sunset Church of Christ from Noon to 2:00 PM at Sunset Church of Christ |
Friday, September 6 | Allen Park Farmer's Market for Allen Park DDA from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Allen Park Farmer's Market |
Sunday, September 1 | Sunday Socials for Audial Entertainment from Noon to 4:00 PM at 1st and Elm |