Numbers as of 2024-09-11
Events: 128
Organizations: 52
Effort: 563.5 hours
Estimated Ballons: 19723
Future Events
September: 9
October: 9
November: 1
December: 2
March 2025: 2
September 2025: 3
About Us
We're a couple of old guys from Downriver who have been twisting balloons for a long time. We mostly do what is called line-work. We twist balloons into animal shapes quickly and then move on. There are things we can do that take longer, but for most events, we want to keep our lines moving.
Mike (Email)
Mike has lived in Allen Park, Lincoln Park, and Southgate. He is married with one son. In addition to community service, Mick has become a fixture at Romulus Music in the Streets and is available for paid parties as well.
Favorite thing to make: | Monkey in a tree |
Least favorite thing to make: | Lion |
Your best sculpture: | Monkey |
How long have you been twisting? | Since 1988 |
How did you learn? | From books |
What got you started? | To entertain my son and his friends |
Steve (Email)
Steve has lived downriver most of his life and currently lives in Allen Park. He's married and is very active in Scouting.For a variety of reasons, Steve doesn't accept paid events, but is always down for local gatherings from Farmer's Markets to schools and block parties. Steve is insured and has completed Virtus (Catholic Church) training, Youth Protection Training (Scouting), and has a cerntral registry clearance from the State of Michigan. These are mostly required to be a Scout leader.
Favorite thing to make: | Flower |
Least favorite thing to make: | Any kind of cat |
Your best sculpture: | Flower or monkey |
How long have you been twisting? | About 35 years |
How did you learn? | From books (they came with a few balloons and a tiny pump). Now it's mostly YouTube. |
What got you started? | I had learned to juggle and this seemed like the next skill to master if I wanted to be a clown. |