Numbers as of 2024-09-11

Events: 128

Organizations: 52

Effort: 563.5 hours

Estimated Ballons: 19723

Future Events

September: 9

October: 9

November: 1

December: 2

March 2025: 2

September 2025: 3

Revisions to this Site

Added links to our Facebook and Instagram pages
Collecting a little more detail for events: whether they're in or outdoors and if we need our own table and chairs.
Added information about upcoming bookings to the side bar
Provide more data on our calendar of upcoming events to help promote them.
Added a sidebar about our efforts year to date
Added a sidebar about our efforts year to date
Added additional text about what we do.
Revised various text on the site.
Updated php version and made other minor changes.
The site is launched with some content but is mostly a placeholder.