Numbers as of 2024-09-11
Events: 128
Organizations: 52
Effort: 563.5 hours
Estimated Ballons: 19723
Future Events
September: 9
October: 9
November: 1
December: 2
March 2025: 2
September 2025: 3
Revisions to this Site
- 2024-04-30
- Added links to our Facebook and Instagram pages
- Collecting a little more detail for events: whether they're in or outdoors and if we need our own table and chairs.
- 2024-04-27
- Added information about upcoming bookings to the side bar
- 2024-03-17
- Provide more data on our calendar of upcoming events to help promote them.
- 2024-03-05
- Added a sidebar about our efforts year to date
- Added a sidebar about our efforts year to date
- Added additional text about what we do.
- 2024-02-23
- Revised various text on the site.
- 2023-02-25
- Updated php version and made other minor changes.
- 2022-07-14
- The site is launched with some content but is mostly a placeholder.